Plus Size Fashion: Let’s Pretend It’s Actually Fall

Happy Wednesday!

I know I’ve been completely awol, but Theology school effected my posting more than I thought it would. Goodness.

Luckily it’s only once a month and I now know to have a post ready in advance ;).

In less than a week, the weather here has started to shift towards Fall. Finally ^_^! God heard my prayers! I really cannot operate in the heat.

Granted, it was in the 80s today, but that is progress!



My little sister sneaked this picture this morning and decided it should be included.

It gives a good close up of the hat though! Totally intentional ;).




I feel like I need really big, black framed glasses with this outfit. Is anyone else getting the hipster-esque vibes?

Also, I think I’ve quickly developing an obsession with high waisted skirts!

There are definitely worse things to be addicted to.







Now, I don’t know if you can see, but I definitely have black socks on under my boots. It was still a little warm today so I had them gathered above the top of the shoes.

I like it, but I think the whole outfit looks much more fun with the socks pulled up.


See? I don’t know, it just looks more complete to me this way.

Here’s where I got everything:

  • Hat – handmade (Not by me though. I lack the patience)
  • Tank top – Plato’s Closet
  • Jacket – Plato’s Closet
  • Skirt – Wet Seal
  • Boots – Rainbow


So, what do you think?

Are you looking forward to cooler weather as much as I am?


Plus Size Fashion: Child’s Play and High Waisted Happiness

Hello beautiful people! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

I think this is my absolute favorite outfit that I’ve worn in years! This is what I really love about fashion. When I find something I love, it sets the whole tone for my day. My mood could not be any brighter!

And all I needed was a pretty peach skirt ;).



Where did I buy this bundle of happiness?

The crop top and shoes I got from Plato’s Closet! ❤

I got the skirt from Rue 21. They were having a massive sale and I got it for only $3!!!

The head band is some of the spoil from my obsession with Ebay Can’t beat $0.99 with free shipping!




When I picked my younger sister’s up from school, they laughed at me and said I looked like a high schooler.

So what did I do?

Insist on taking pictures on the playground!




I really don’t know what I love so much about this outfit. Maybe it’s the bow, the polka dots, or maybe the “neon” skirt as my sister so lovingly pointed out.

It might be because I’m breaking several of the “big girl rules.”

“Don’t wear bright colors! It will only bring attention to your body.”

“Don’t show off your legs! They aren’t toned enough.”

“White will only make you look bigger!”

If you are plus-size, I’m sure you’ve heard these things from other people or even told them to yourself at some point.

Over the years, I’ve learned that I can’t control what people think about me. I might as well wear what I want and allow myself to be as happy and bright as I want to be!

If that bothers anyone, they can find themselves a nice pair of sunglasses! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~



Keep hanging, my beautiful friends!

Have an awesome day! ❤

Plus Size Fashion: Every Day is a Superhero Day

Hello again Beauties!

Pardon my title, but really though. This batman is one of my favorite clothing items that I own! I have no idea why exactly other than the fact that it’s fun and it makes me happy. Isn’t that what fashion is about? ^_^



This outfit is pretty simple, but it’s the accessories that make me feel most excited and confident. God is in the details, right? 😉





Now that I think about it, the whole look is a tad skater, no?

I’m not sure what it is exactly, but it’s quirky and that’s a pretty good visible expression of my personality.




Ok let’s talk details.

The shirt I got from this really cool clothes shop called Funky Monkey. I’m glad I stopped by Magazine Street last time I visited my friends in New Orleans. Their prices are great and you never know what you’ll find on the racks. So if you’re ever in the area, you should definitely stop by!

The pants are an old purchase from a local thrift shop.

I feel like I should re-name this post, “Thrift Store for the Win!”



If I had to pick a favorite pair of shoes from my little collection, these would be it at the moment. Hands down!

They were actually a steal. I got them from Plato’s Closet, but they were originally from Shoedazzle. $40 Shoes for $8? Yes, please!



The ring and the love bracelet were purchased at Romancing the Stone. I like to walk the downtown strip on my lunch breaks and I usually catch all the jewelry sales. What can I say? I like my sales ;).

The gold bangle was a gift from one of my close friends from Baublebar. I checked their website and they no longer carry this particular bracelet, but you should definitely check them out. All of their jewelry is beautiful and pretty unique!



Kyaaa! Isn’t this earring adorable! I about died of excitement when I saw it in the store.

It’s the simple things, right?

I got this earring from an absolutely ADORABLE shop on Magazine Street called Kawaii NOLA. If you are into Japanese fashion or just out of the norm accessories, this is the place for you. The owner is super~ sweet and will even ship items to you if you message her from the Facebook page or website.



So needless to say, this is one of my favorite outfits for Summer!

Let me know in the comments your favorite quirky accessory ^_^.


This is just a quick little outfit of the day post ^_^.

Ok, my excuse for today is that it’s overcast.

For real though, I just can’t let go of my Fall colors yet. I am wearing a skirt though, so that counts as Springy, right?




I feel like I look like a theatre kid!

It’s a simple little outfit, but I still feel a little more sassy while running errands. Heels can do that to you! And a little black dress.

That’s always in season, right?

Plus Size Fashion – Easter Edition

Ok Easter sneaked up on me this year….big time! I found myself searching through Walmart at 9pm last night, threading through last minute shoppers, to find a serviceable dress. It didn’t help that they were practically giving away heaps and heaps of Easter marshmallows for 5 cents a piece. Everybody and their mother just had~ to have some! I’m pretty sure people came out of the woodwork just for the marshmallows.

Luckily, I found a pretty dress that didn’t make me look like an old church lady. If you have ever tried to shop for a plus size body in the Walmart, then you know that the results can be quite…interesting. I am a Juniors XL usually and a 0 in Plus Sizes when I venture into the novelty extended size stores, so that doesn’t always work in my favor. There is always a shortage of XL clothing when I decide to buy and this time was no exception. However, my friend happened upon this dress and it grew on me.



The color is pretty neutral, but it gives me a super tan….because I wasn’t already born with one, right ^_^.

The quality is better than I would expect from a Now Boundaries dress, so I’ll be glad to get a little like out of it. As far as I’m concerned, shopping at Walmart is like shopping at a less stylish Forever XXI. The price is nice because they expect you to come back and buy more when your pieces don’t last. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve gotten some sturdy pieces from Forever XXI, but you have to hunt.

I really like this dress even though I joined the hundreds of women in lace today. Ah well, I still looked cute! The shoes are from Dolce Vita and were a gift.


The bag came from the store of another blogger, Shasie. She periodically adds clothing, jewelry, and bags that have never or rarely been used. I needed a good neutral bag and I couldn’t pass this one up. Plus there was a bow. That pretty much sold the bag for me. I will link her blog and shop at the end.

So yeah. This is pretty much the best expression of how I feel today:



Have a happy and blessed Easter!


Shasie’s Closet:

Shasie’s Blog: